Free admission to tanks/fighters/battleships at the Korean War Memorial in Seoul

Date of visit: 2023/4/7

Introduction to the Korean War Memorial

The Korean War Memorial in Seoul is a museum dedicated to recording and commemorating the Korean War. The memorial displays a rich collection of historical artifacts and photos, as well as introduces the strategies during the Korean War, major battles and the impact of the war on South Korea. It is a very It is a place with educational value and shocking. It is highly recommended to bring children to see it. The rich man highly recommends it!

Map of the War Memorial of Korea campus

Korean War Memorial Transportation

The Korean War Memorial in Seoul is located in Yongsan District, Seoul, about an 8-minute walk from the exit of the "428/628, Triangle (English: Samgakji, Korean: 삼각지)" station on Seoul Subway Line 4 or Line 6. The green building on the left in the picture below is the Korean War Memorial. It’s very spectacular.

War Memorial of Korea Subway Transportation

outdoor display area

Let's take a look at the outdoor exhibition area first. There are super rich military fighters, tanks and sea warships that actually participated in the battle. Take a group photo first, what an amazing display, it's breathtaking!

Group photo of tanks

Each one is a genuine tank. The little rich man was stunned when he saw it, and then screamed again and again. He really loves this place. There are more than 10 tanks on display alone. It is really a feast for the eyes and very shocking.

M48A5KW 坦克車
M48A5KW tank
M48A5KW 坦克車背面照
M48A5KW tank rear view

amphibious armored vehicle

LVTP-7 兩棲裝甲車
LVTP-7 Amphibious armored vehicle

In addition to tanks, you can also enter the armored personnel carrier to find out, learn more about the facilities inside, and hide in the small driver's seat to investigate the outside world. It really seems to be on the battlefield to perform missions. I don't know how many times I have been dispatched here, running out of the armored body and getting in again, I am really exhausted to death.

In the missile missile area, you can see the super spectacular 15-meter-high missiles, which are amazingly powerful at first glance. Once these huge missiles are launched, the consequences will be unimaginable. These missiles may cause countless casualties. Terrible is really frightening. Human beings should hope for world peace. Take this opportunity to educate the little rich man (laughs) and ask him not to think about war all day long.

American missile

South Korea's homemade missile launch system KVLS.

韓國自製的垂直導彈發射系統 KVLS
South Korea's homemade vertical missile launch system KVLS
MIM14 導彈
MIM14 Missile

It feels like a weapon of the anti-aircraft gun series.

Mk.4 40mm 4連裝砲
Mk.4 40mm Quad Cannon

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Some surface-to-air weapons.

Mk.4 20mm 高射砲
Mk.4 20mm anti-aircraft gun

Taiwan also once had a huge maritime patrol aircraft area, but now they have all been retired.

S-2 海上巡邏機
S-2 maritime patrol aircraft

All kinds of fighters.

F-C4 戰鬥機
F-C4 fighter
T28A 教練機
T28A trainer

B52-D bomber, the B52 series is an eight-engine long-range bomber designed and produced by Boeing. It also has the nickname "Stratofortress". The length and width should be more than 50 meters. Carrying cruise missiles and nuclear weapons, driving it out will really shock the audience.

B-52D 轟炸機
B-52D bomber

Take the photo after walking up the stairs.

It's a pity that part of the fighter area can't be approached during renovation, otherwise some large fighters can enter the inside of the fighters to visit, what a pity.

In the battleship area, the Haiying PKM-357, which was sunk by North Korea, is about 40 meters long and is also very spectacular.

海鷹 PKM - 357 號
Seahawks PKM – No. 357

The battleship has experienced hundreds of battles, its hull is full of bullet holes, and it is also a hero of Korea in the past history.

The hull is full of bullet holes

Gun turret on a battleship.

Turret 1

You can sit in the driver's seat and feel the feeling of being a captain, and your eyes will be dazzled when you see the complicated instrument panel.

There is also a display of the motorboat series. The AIRCAT motorboat has fast and flexible mobility and is suitable for fighting in swamps and river areas. It was South Korea's right-hand assistant during its participation in the Vietnam War.

AIRCAT motorboat

indoor display area

Huh~ After visiting the outdoor area, hurry to the indoor display area to blow some air-conditioning (mistake). This very magnificent gray building is the memorial hall, and the scenes of soldiers performing drills can be seen from time to time outside. joinSeoul Suburbs Day TripAt that time, the tour guide told us that due to the increasing threat from North Korea to South Korea, the South Korean army often conducts combat readiness drills to cope with the current situation between North and South Korea. The rich man admired such a spirit.

You can enter the museum along the side aisle and pass by the Memorial of the Fallen Soldiers.


The gate of the War Memorial of Korea.

Gate photo of the War Memorial of Korea

The exhibition area in the museum is divided into three floors, and each floor has a different theme. The first floor displays the history of war, focusing on displaying ancient warships and weapons. These exhibits allow friends of the dining crown to look back at past battles and gain insight into the methods and techniques of ancient warfare. On the second floor, there is a national defense memorial room to commemorate those heroes who sacrificed for the country. At the same time, it introduces the topics related to South Korea, such as World War II and North Korea's invasion of South Korea, and the U.S. counterattack. Finally, the third floor displays the modern history of South Korea, including South Korea's participation in UN humanitarian aid and other records.

The three-story display will take visitors through different periods of history and gain an in-depth understanding of Korea's past, present and future. Let's take a look together!

Floor Guide of the War Memorial of Korea

There are free lockers on the right hand side of the lobby on the first floor, as well as the current Patriot Exhibition.

At the back of the first floor, there are still many tanks, anti-aircraft guns, and armored vehicles on display.

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Soviet T-34-85 tank against American M4A3E8 tank. The famous American M4A3E8 Sherman tank vehicle was the most used tank vehicle by the US military during the Korean War and played a super important role in the Korean War.

T-34-85 與 M4A3E8 坦克車
T-34-85 and M4A3E8 tanks
tank family
BM13 132mm<
BM13 132mm
M46 與 M36 坦克車
M46 and M36 tanks

SU-100 tank destroyer.

SU-100 tank destroyer

Anti-aircraft guns.

Such a huge LVT-3C amphibious landing armored vehicle, which can carry more than 20 soldiers and drive on sea and land.

LVT-3C 兩棲登陸裝甲車
LVT-3C amphibious landing armored vehicle

All kinds of nostalgic fighter jets hanging on the roof of the war memorial.

F-51 Mustang fighter jet and O-1A reconnaissance plane.

The fuselage of the O-1A reconnaissance plane, the rich man thinks the green color is very beautiful.

O-1A 偵察機機身
O-1A reconnaissance aircraft fuselage

The picture below describes the history of South Korea's military development, from the 1960s on the right to the modern times on the left. It can be seen that South Korea has the ability to develop advanced tanks, ships and artillery shells, which is really remarkable. I asked the master of Google, the Korean-made K2 Black Panther is the top three in the world's tank combat power rankings, it is really amazing, and it is worth learning.

History of South Korea's Armament Development

Many lifelike models are displayed in glass cases.

A whole row of rifles is like a living history of firearms development, admirable, magnificent and beautiful.

The indoor exhibition hall even displayed self-propelled guns.

Self-propelled gun

There are also Korean homemade reconnaissance aircraft.


In the interactive game area, you can put on the latest and coolest Korean army equipment through the camera, and become a soldier in the field in ten seconds. The little rich man really loves it. He thinks he is really handsome after wearing the military uniform. I am afraid that the little rich man will buy it A set of camouflage uniforms (laughs).

Introduce some basic equipment of the army.

Infantry Equipment Introduction

Badges of representatives of the various military forces of South Korea.

Badges of various armies

The small theater studio plays some history and military facilities of the Korean army.

The interactive game in the future war zone, the rich man thinks that the game is really well designed, and there are also plots. There are two tasks to be completed in total. The first task is to serve as an anti-aircraft turret to defend against enemy fighter jets. The game is played with both hands Touch the enemy plane that is coming to attack. After touching the enemy plane, the plane will explode. The second task is to drive a bomber to blow up the enemy's important facilities. Assuming that you are a plane, you have to dodge left and right to avoid being locked by missiles. It's really fun, Little Rich Man played twice in a row, it's awesome!

This is also quite interesting. It is explaining the various facilities of the army tactical camp, including paratrooper trenches, heliports, watchtowers, barbed wire, etc., and it is also very delicate.

Tactical Camp Model

After pressing the name of the facility on the screen, in addition to the explanation on the screen, the facilities on the map will also light up, so that the little rich man can learn more about these battlefield facilities.

Recreating the scene of the battlefield, the little rich man observed the exquisite model for a long time here.

tactical camp

Seeing these terrible traps reminded the rich man of the Tour of Duty he watched when he was a child. The little rich man seemed to have a sense of enlightenment, and there seemed to be many tricky ideas in his mind, which made the rich man really scared.

There is also a perfect reproduction of the underground caves during the war in the memorial hall, as well as the sandbags preserved during the war.

Before leaving, hurry to the first floor to take pictures of ancient warships.

ancient warship

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Reproduce the ancient scenes of the Three Kingdoms period, with explanations in different languages.

Three Kingdoms period scene

Frontal photo of the War Memorial of Korea. These flags are used to commemorate the heroic soldiers of 21 countries who died for South Korea's participation in the war. It also allows future generations and tourists to remember the warriors who gave their lives for freedom and peace.

Front view of the War Memorial of Korea

After leaving the memorial hall, there are some large statues displayed in the outdoor space. A statue of brothers, showing brotherhood on the battlefield.

Brother Statue at the War Memorial of Korea

The Korean War Sculpture built to strengthen the post-war awareness of future generations is used to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Korean armistice. Peace is really hard-won.

War Memorial of Korea Korean War Sculpture

The heroes who defended the country around the Korean War sculpture.

rich man experience

The millionaire feels that the Korean War Memorial is really a place worth visiting. The millionaire is deeply shocked and moved, and strongly recommends it to all children and adults. It is recommended to spend at least half a day enjoying the exhibition slowly. Living in a country with a similar situation to South Korea, the entire exhibition plan really impressed the rich man. The young rich man also said that this time heKorean Family TravelThe most impressive thing is that the rich man thinks that if you bring children, you will never be disappointed, and admission is free, which is awesome!

Visit Information

Chinese: The War Memorial of Korea, Korean: 전쟁기념관, English: The War Memorial of Korea

Official website:

Business hours: 9:30 – 18:00 (closed every Monday)

Phone: 02-709-3081/3139

further reading


Do not enter the Seodaemun Prison in Seoul

Seodaemun Penitentiary in Seoul is a modern prison built by the Japanese government in 1907. At that time, the Japanese colonial government was carrying out assimilation policies in Korea and severely suppressed those who resisted. Anyone who violated the orders of the Japanese government would be imprisoned. This way. The prison house has preserved many precious historical materials such as prisoners’ cells, letters written by prisoners, a complete restoration of the interrogation room, etc. It is very exciting!





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