Destroyed Police Cars at Seoul Police Museum

Date of visit: 2023/4/5

The Seoul Police Museum is located not far from the "Independence Gate (326, English: Dongnimmun, Korean: 독립문역)" station on Seoul Subway Line 3. It can be reached by walking in about 10 minutes. The Police Museum is a small but beautiful museum despite its small location. And it’s free of charge, so let’s take a look. From a distance, you can see the eye-catching pink signboard that says "K-COP", so just head this way!

Exterior of the Police Museum Building

Museum introduction

Entrance to the Police Museum

The entrance is on the second floor, and you can take pictures with all kinds of policemen as soon as you enter the door. The little rich man said that he likes the hat with looking glasses best, which feels like a special force.

various korean police

The direction of visit is to visit from the fourth floor to the next floor. There are free lockers at the entrance.

Police Museum Information Desk

As soon as we entered, we were greeted by a 1950s transmission motorcycle with a side car and a jeep.

Ancient police locomotive and jeep photo
ancient police locomotive

A police jeep from the 1950s, so handsome! I don't seem to see any Jeeps anymore.

Ancient police jeep

Personal basic information of police heavy machine and jeep.

andWar Memorial of KoreaJust like the stalk, the police museum also has a costume show. The camera on the screen will project the portrait into the screen, and then you can choose some policemen and Korean traditional costumes to change costumes. The little rich man is smiling in ancient Hanbok.

Police Museum Drag Show

Korean police uniforms of past dynasties, strange! Obviously it was filmed at the police museum, but why is it a bitSeodaemun PrisonThe feel (laughs).

Past Police Uniforms

An introduction to the class of Korean police.

In South Korea, call 112 to the police station.

call 112 to the police

More Seoul attractions to share

Game interactive area

marvelous! There is even a "traffic policeman" game, where the camera detects the children's walking movements, and you need to wave your hand to direct the car on the screen to the designated destination, but the little rich man may be too short. Neither was completed (laughs).

Shooting training game, unfortunately I missed the time and didn't experience it.

Some police related artifacts.

Historic District

Historically important Korean police figures are displayed on the walls.

important korean police figures
Police figure exhibition area

Items left behind by some police heroes.

Some ancient police identification documents are quite interesting.

police file

Finally, there is the best policeman of the year. The film shows the masterpieces and heroic deeds of the best policeman. It must be super honorable to be awarded this title. This award should give the big brothers and sisters who are engaged in police work a greater sense of identity and belonging. .

Best Police Film of the Year

Special Forces Gear!

Gaming Zone

The final highlight! The police car climbing area (wrong), you can enter the driver's seat of the police car, it is really super fun for children to sit in the police car, and you can also turn on the warning light on the roof of the police car, hoo~ good luck, there is no sound, otherwise it will definitely be noisy You can hear it all the way to the first floor (laughs).

Super handsome police car and locomotive 1

Let’s also take a picture of the front, the locomotive with the sidecar is really handsome,

Super handsome police cars and locomotives 2

Even better, you can also dress up in different police uniforms. Clothes, hats, and vests are all ready for adults and children to have fun.

police uniform

Look at these little Korean kids who are about to take off the roof of the police car, but who wouldn't be crazy when the boys see the police car? Later, the little rich man also slipped down from the roof of the police car through the glass several times, and the children refused to let go of the opportunity to play wild on the police car (laughs).

The little rich man has been playing here for more than 30 minutes. He has to wear a police vest and a police uniform at one time. It is really busy. He shouted and dispatched. I think he has completed more than a hundred tasks (laughs) ). A brainstorm! It will be more interesting if you bring some props such as handcuffs and pistols.

Korean kiddos make trouble in police car

rich man experience

The rich man thinks that the Seoul Police Museum is also worth a visit. Although the two-story exhibition hall is not large, it is well planned and there is no charge (laughs). Visitors of all ages can put on handsome police uniforms together, and can climb up and down on a real Korean police car. It is a rare opportunity, so take advantage of it! Can be compared with independent door and super scarySeodaemun PrisonPlan the arrangements together. About one hour is enough to visit the Police Museum. Rich people recommend it!

Visit Information

Official website:

further reading


Chariot Car Exhibition at the War Memorial of Korea in Seoul

The Korean War Memorial in Seoul is a museum dedicated to recording and commemorating the Korean War. The memorial hall displays a super rich historical relics and photos, as well as introduces the strategies during the Korean War, major battles and the impact of the war on Korea. It is a very educational and shocking place. It is strongly recommended to bring children. Come take a look, highly recommended by the rich man!





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