New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong Village Mysterious Tunnel Adventure

New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village is located next to the Tamsui River embankment. Because the military village is well preserved, the New Taipei City Government declared it a historical building in 1995. Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village is about a 10-minute walk from Taipei Bridge MRT Station. The mural at the entrance records the life of the military dependents village.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 壁畫
New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village – Mural

In fact, the original Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village was an important artillery position during the Japanese occupation. Since it was adjacent to the mouth of the Tamsui River, its main task was to intercept Allied aircraft bombing the Taipei Bridge and the Taipei Governor's Office. The triple anti-aircraft turret has a total of six gun mounts. Unfortunately, all the gun mounts have been buried, and only the position is preserved.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 砲座說明
New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village – Gun Mount Description

Just like in the TV series, there must be a small square in the military dependents' village. It can be imagined that it was a common place for gossip at that time. Compared to now, there are also many literary and youth handicraft vendors setting up stalls on weekends, which is very lively.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 廣場
Air Force Sanchong 1st Village, New Taipei City – Plaza

After the Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan, dormitories were built here one after another. At that time, different military ranks lived in simple houses of different sizes, just for shelter from the wind and rain. General Xiao was the top general at the time. His home was a two-story building. It was the largest house in Air Force Village and was completely open to tourists.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 蕭將軍宅
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – General Xiao’s Residence

General Xiao lived a simple life, with only simple furniture in his house.

It contains letters from my hometown and various medals and certificates received from performing tasks, which are very well preserved.

A handsome dark green Soviet-style military uniform, and a desire to go home as soon as possible.

The classic mosaic tile bathtub was a popular construction method in the 1950s and 1960s. The rich man also saw it at his grandma's house when he was a child.

這張圖片的 alt 屬性值為空,它的檔案名稱為 f28a399c-399c-46ea-9ffc-26663cb7931d-jpg.webp
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – General Xiao’s Residence – Bathroom

Corridor Guide

After leaving General Xiao's residence, you can go to the visitor center under the big banyan tree to sign up for a free guided tour of the corridor. The corridor played an important role in the artillery positions during the Japanese occupation, and its main purpose was to store ammunition. The corridor is well preserved and worth a visit!

新北市空軍三重一村 - 砲陣地甬道入口
New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village – Artillery Position Corridor Entrance

Wear a protective helmet and enter the mysterious tunnel.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 砲陣地甬道1
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – Artillery Position Corridor 1

The height of the corridor is only about 160 centimeters, which is in line with the height of Japanese soldiers at that time. Therefore, the helmets are mainly used to prevent everyone from hitting the roof of the corridor. Everyone bent their heads slightly and listened carefully to the tour guide explaining the history of the corridor.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 砲陣地甬道2
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – Artillery Position Corridor 2

The corridor is connected to the gun mounts, and its main purpose is to allow soldiers to quickly transport ammunition to the gun mounts that need supplies. The length of the corridor is about 200 meters. After walking around the corridor, the tour ended. The rich man thought it was a very special experience. He had traveled there before.Hanoi, VietnamAt that time, the little rich man had never experienced the secret passage of the Vietnam War, but he did not expect that his dream would come true here.

Other stores

The old house nearby seems to have turned back time, and the memories of that time are still intact in the house. The patriotic spirit was felt in the house.

Some old houses have been given life again and transformed into gourmet restaurants, bars, and handicraft shops, waiting for you to discover interesting and interesting things.

新北市空軍三重一村 -  老宅咖啡廳
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – Old House Cafe

There are also occasional exhibitions.

Special oil paintings.

新北市空軍三重一村 - 展覽2
New Taipei City Air Force Sanchong No.1 Village – Exhibition 2

One year of preparation, two years of counterattack, three years of mopping up, and five years of success were the slogans after the move to Taiwan. The classic red gate with white lines was a masterpiece.

The national flag was flying. The little rich man admired it for a while. He hadn't seen so many national flags for a long time. Salute!

新北市空軍三重一村 - 國旗飄揚
Air Force Sanchong No. 1 Village, New Taipei City – National flag waving

rich man experience

Mie Air Force Village actually retains the historical memory of the military dependents’ village during the Japanese colonial period and after the Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan. It is worth visiting here. It is not far from the delicious food around Mie Chong Rooftop. It is recommended to friends who like to experience retro life!

Attraction location

Business hours: 10:00~22:00

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